Health Challenges

We can find out how your animal is feeling, access any level of pain or discomfort and discuss what may help them feel more comfortable. We can gain insight into their viewpoint of what their needs, concerns and wishes are.

Changes in the Household

Such as a new baby, bringing a new animal into the family, moving etc.
Letting them know about a new baby in advance, helps offset any behavioral issues that may arise.
Animals are very appreciative when their opinion is considered when bringing a new pet into the home and often can help you pick the new family member!
Understanding that you are moving, and where, in advance, helps to alleviate a lot of stress associated with moving.

Barking, chewing, aggression. We work on finding resolutions that work for both you and your animal companions.

Behavioral Issues

Anxiety, grief, calming fears, trauma.

Emotional Issues

Finding out what your animal wants and needs for the end of life will help you feel more comfortable that you are taking the best possible care of your animal friend at that time. Lovingly supporting them in their transition.

Often when a person has lost their beloved animal companion, there are many questions and concerns. Connecting with an animal who is in spirit, can offer some peace and comfort to their people..

Aging and end-of-life/Animals in Spirit

Increasing harmony with people and other animals in the family.

Enhancing Love and